Our time together

Created by Deborah 11 years ago
Mam our time spent together was always special to me, i know when i was younger i maybe did not appreciate you as much as i should have but never did i feel remorse towards you, we had good and bad days but i always loved you so very much. I miss our little chats, our little laughs together, i miss all the things we could have done together but for me you were not only my mother but my very best friend too and i felt in my heart i did not do enough for you but the one thing i did do which i know you was glad of and that was care for you as best i could, i tried to make sure everything was ok, i stayed with you all the time and never left your side, god only knows how much i had hoped i could get you better but i hated watching you suffer, it broke my heart to watch you so ill as it did with dad when he was on pathways, the hardest thing in life i feel is watching someone slowly leave you and when it happens it rips out your heart and for me my soul too, you were my life always and i just wanted to send this message to you because its so hard not being able to say those words to you. I love and miss you so very much, i do wish you were still here with us but i am happy that you are with our dad now and i know as sad as you would be to leave us you are always there watching over us but your with dad and we are thankful that you are together once again but wish it could be here with us. goodnight godbless, love you always and forever. xxxx